R u always starving in d early morning??..r u searching 4 sumthin dat can be eat anywhere n anytime??..well..here is the solution..KARIPAP!!..yes, 4 only 1rgt, u can get 3 karipap!..This is wat we eat almost every morning be4 d clas starts..Even if we're not starving, all the karipaps r still calling us 2 eat them!..hahaha..so wat r u waitin 4??..hurry up n grab 'em at kiosk now!
2karipap is more than enough..so yg krpp ke3 slalu dimkn lebey lmbt..haha
Kesedapan memkn karipap tanpa disedari ade mate yang memndg~
Gotcha!..haha..Raja : "ISHHHHH...ape pndg2..nk mkn pon ssh"
lek2 la..telan dulu krpp 2..haha
P/S : Dis msg is specially 4 nzm web!> WEHHHH!..sdp ko kate kt pkai susuk!..ko nk mati?..haha..xmaenla susuk2 nie..muke ori maaa...ko ni mmg nk kne btollll..haaa..
pic nzm smoke 2 BTOL!!...sile pcy pic itu!..haha
by: ita